Best Waterfalls In Big Island: Exploring Paradise

Big Island, Hawaii
Big Island, Hawaii

Discover the natural wonders with our guide to the best waterfalls in Big Island. From towering cascades to hidden gems, these breathtaking sites offer a refreshing escape into Hawaii‘s lush landscapes. Join us as we explore the top waterfalls that you won’t want to miss on your next visit to Big Island.

Located within the expansive embrace of the Pacific Ocean lies the captivating Big Island of Hawaii, a paradise revered for its astonishing landscapes, vibrant cultural tapestry, and unparalleled natural wonders.

Far from mere shores, this island stands as a testament to nature’s grandeur, offering a mosaic of experiences that captivate the soul and ignite the imagination.

At the heart of this tropical oasis are the mesmerizing waterfalls that cascade through lush rain-forests and rugged terrain, weaving a narrative of sheer beauty and tranquility.

These cascades, with their ethereal allure, beckon travelers from far and wide, inviting them to embark on an unforgettable journey into the heart of the Big Island’s natural splendor.

In this piece, we venture on a quest to uncover the best waterfall hikes on the Big Island, venturing into the realm of hidden gems and unexplored vistas that define this island as a haven for nature enthusiasts and adventurers alike.

Best Waterfalls In Big Island: Overview

From the thundering torrents of Wailuku River State Park to the iconic cascades of Akaka Falls and the rugged beauty of Pololu and Waipio Valleys, each destination promises a glimpse into the timeless majesty of Hawaii’s natural heritage.

As we traverse the verdant trails and winding paths that lead to these captivating wonders, we are drawn into a world where time stands still, and the rhythms of nature reign supreme.

Here, amidst the mist-shrouded forests and echoing valleys, we discover a sense of awe and wonder that transcends words, a feeling of connection to something greater than ourselves, a reverence for the beauty and power of the natural world.

So join us as we embark on this journey of discovery, as we explore the hidden treasures and breathtaking vistas that await amidst the splendor of the Big Island’s waterfalls.

Lace up your hiking boots, pack your sense of adventure, and prepare to be enchanted by the magic of Hawaii’s most captivating landscapes.

For in the heart of this island paradise, amidst the gentle roar of cascading waters and the whispering of ancient trees, lies a world waiting to be explored, a world of wonder, beauty, and endless possibility.

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Wailuku River State Park: Rainbow Falls and Beyond

Rainbow Falls in a forest
Rainbow Falls, Big Island

Tucked away on the eastern shores of Big Island, Wailuku River State Park remains a hidden gem, boasting some of the most mesmerizing waterfalls across Hawaii’s diverse landscape.

One of its crown jewels, the illustrious Rainbow Falls, derives its name from the enchanting rainbows that often grace the mist of its cascading waters, creating a spectacle that transcends imagination.

As visitors embark on a brief hike through the verdant rain-forest, they are greeted by the resounding roar of water and the lush greenery that surrounds them, setting the stage for an unforgettable encounter with nature’s magnificence.

Upon reaching Rainbow Falls, travelers are met with a scene of unparalleled beauty, a curtain of water plunging gracefully into a serene pool below, while iridescent rainbows dance amidst the mist, casting a spell of wonder and enchantment.

Here, amidst the symphony of rushing water and rustling leaves, one can’t help but be captivated by the sheer power and majesty of the natural world, offering a moment of serenity and awe in an ever-changing landscape.

For those with a spirit of adventure, the journey doesn’t end at Rainbow Falls. Continuing along the trail leads to the lesser-known yet equally captivating Boiling Pots, where ancient lava flows have sculpted a series of swirling pools that seem to bubble and churn with life.

As visitors stand in awe of this mesmerizing sight, they are reminded of the island’s volcanic origins and the transformative power of nature, leaving an indelible mark on all who dare to explore its depths.

Akaka Falls State Park: A Journey into the Heart of Cascading Majesty

Akaka Falls in a forest
Akaka Falls, Big Island

Journeying north from the charming town of Hilo, travelers will find themselves drawn to the captivating allure of Akaka Falls State Park, a sanctuary nestled amidst the verdant landscapes of the Big Island.

Here, amidst the embrace of lush foliage and mist-shrouded cliffs, lies one of the island’s most iconic treasures, the majestic Akaka Falls.

Plunging a staggering 442 feet into a tranquil gorge below, the sheer power and beauty of this natural wonder never fails to leave visitors spellbound, a testament to the timeless grandeur of Hawaii’s landscapes.

Embarking on the short loop trail that winds through the park, adventurers are treated to a sensory feast of sights and sounds, as the rhythmic melody of cascading water mingles with the rustle of leaves overhead.

Along the way, panoramic vistas of the surrounding rain-forest unfold, offering glimpses of multiple waterfalls that dot the landscape like jewels in a crown. Each turn of the trail reveals a new perspective, a new angle from which to marvel at the sheer magnificence of nature’s handiwork.

Despite its awe-inspiring stature, Akaka Falls State Park is accessible to hikers of all levels, thanks to its well-maintained paths and convenient amenities.

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Scenic lookout points dotted throughout the park provide ample opportunities for rest and reflection, allowing visitors to soak in the beauty of their surroundings at their own pace.

Whether embarking on a stroll or a more vigorous hike, one thing is certain, Akaka Falls State Park offers a truly rewarding experience for those seeking to connect with the natural wonders of Big Island, leaving an indelible impression on all who venture within its embrace.

Pololu Valley: Where Untamed Beauty Meets Serenity

a palm trees next to a body of water with Pololu Valley in the background
Pololu Valley, Big Island

Perched on the rugged northern tip of the Big Island, Pololu Valley stands as a testament to the island’s untamed beauty and raw wilderness.

Here, amidst the imposing cliffs and secluded beaches, travelers are transported to a realm where nature reigns supreme, and the echoes of ancient legends linger in the salty sea breeze.

While Pololu Valley may not be synonymous with waterfall hikes, it offers a unique and exhilarating opportunity to discover cascading streams and hidden falls amidst some of Hawaii’s most breathtaking coastal scenery.

Embarking on the steep and challenging trail that winds down into the valley, adventurers are greeted by sweeping vistas of the coastline and the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean beyond.

With each step, the distant roar of crashing waves grows louder, mingling with the rustle of leaves and the gentle murmur of flowing water, a symphony of nature’s own creation.

As the trail descends deeper into the valley, intrepid explorers are rewarded with glimpses of hidden waterfalls nestled within the lush foliage, their cascading waters a testament to the life-giving force of the land.

For those willing to venture off the beaten path, Pololu Valley promises an unforgettable adventure, a chance to immerse oneself in the untamed beauty of Hawaii’s wilderness and forge a connection with the land that is both profound and enduring.

Here, amidst the rugged terrain and ancient lava flows, travelers are reminded of the fragility and resilience of the natural world, and the importance of preserving its treasures for generations to come.

In the embrace of Pololu Valley, one finds not only a sense of adventure but also a profound sense of awe and reverence for the wonders of the earth.

Waipio Valley: A Sacred Realm of Majesty and Mystery

Waipio Valley, Big Island, where one of the best waterfalls in Big Island you can see
Waipio Valley, Big Island

A pilgrimage to Waipio Valley is an essential part of any exploration of the Big Island’s waterfalls, offering not only a glimpse into Hawaii’s natural wonders but also a journey through the island’s storied past.

Aptly dubbed the “Valley of the Kings,” Waipio Valley exudes an aura of sacredness and reverence, its rugged landscapes steeped in centuries-old traditions and legends that continue to echo through the ages.

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As travelers embark on the winding road that descends into the valley below, they are transported to a realm where time seems to stand still, and the spirits of the land whisper tales of ancient gods and noble chiefs.

Upon reaching the valley floor, visitors are greeted by a panorama of breathtaking beauty, towering cliffs that stretch skyward, lush taro fields that blanket the landscape, and the mesmerizing sight of Hi’ilawe Falls, whose waters cascade over 1,200 feet into the valley below.

Here, amidst the tranquil serenity of the valley floor, one cannot help but feel a sense of awe and reverence for the land and its storied history.

While access to the valley floor is restricted, guided tours and scenic overlooks offer ample opportunities to marvel at the beauty of this iconic landscape, providing a glimpse into a world that is as enchanting as it is profound.

In the embrace of Waipio Valley, travelers are reminded of the timeless connection between humanity and nature, and the importance of preserving the sacred lands that hold the key to Hawaii’s rich cultural heritage.

As the waters of Hi’ilawe Falls continue to cascade into the valley below, so too do the stories and legends of the land, weaving a tapestry of history and tradition that continues to inspire all who venture into this sacred realm.


As our journey through the best waterfalls in Big Island draws to a close, the undeniable allure and diversity of this enchanting destination become abundantly clear.

Each hike presents a tapestry of natural wonders, weaving together the majestic cascades of Wailuku River State Park, the rugged cliffs of Pololu Valley, and the legendary waters of Waipio Valley into a symphony of sights and sounds that captivate the senses and stir the soul.

From the moment one sets foot on the verdant trails of Wailuku River State Park, it becomes evident that the Big Island’s waterfalls are more than just geological marvels, they are portals to a world of adventure and discovery.

Whether trekking through the lush rainforest to witness the ethereal beauty of Rainbow Falls or venturing off the beaten path to explore the hidden gems of Pololu Valley, each step brings with it the promise of new experiences and unforgettable memories.

For seasoned hikers, the challenging terrain and breathtaking vistas of Pololu Valley offer a true test of skill and endurance, while casual nature lovers will find solace in the serene beauty of Waipio Valley’s towering cliffs and cascading waters.

Regardless of skill level, Big Island’s waterfalls beckon with their timeless allure, inviting visitors to lose themselves in the wonders of this tropical paradise and forge a deeper connection with the natural world.

So, as we bid farewell to the best waterfall hikes on the Big Island, let us heed the call of adventure and embrace the magic that awaits amidst the misty cascades and lush valleys of this captivating destination.

Lace up your hiking boots, pack your sense of wonder, and prepare to be enchanted by the timeless beauty of the Big Island’s most captivating landscapes.